About TCDI (Tobacco Control Data Initiative)
Nearly one in five adult men in the DRC reported smoking cigarettes in 2013
, while almost all women surveyed (96%) said they did not smoke cigarettes. 4% of women and 13% of men reported using tobacco in forms other than cigarettes, particularly in rural areas, but there are few details on these other products. Research carried out in 2008 showed that almost 12% of boys and 4% of girls in Kinshasa secondary schools smoked cigarettes . For other tobacco products, prevalence rates were even higher in 2008: almost 30% for boys and almost 28% for girls.The lack of recent and sufficient data on tobacco control in the DRC is a challenge for those working to implement tobacco control policies and programs. Where data do exist, they are generally only available from scattered sources. Tobacco control issues that have become priorities in the country include morbidity and mortality linked to tobacco use, prevalence, enforcement of tobacco laws, illicit trade and interference by the tobacco industry.
Development Gateway (DG), an IREX Venture, a non-governmental organization focused on data for development, in partnership with the University of Cape Town’s Research Unit on the Economics of Excisable Products (REEP), and the Ministry of Health, Hygiene and Prevention, is tackling the problem of difficult access, obsolescence and inadequate data on tobacco control in the DRC. To this end, the organization has created a website that collects and manages information from a variety of sources, making it a credible source for tobacco control in the DRC. The portal was set up by the Tobacco Control Data Initiative (TCDI) thanks to a three-year grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It consolidates essential data and information gathered through rigorous primary and secondary research. We hope that this online resource will help tobacco control stakeholders in the DRC by providing quick and easy access to relevant data.

If you have relevant tobacco control data or work that you would like to share with the tobacco control community in the DRC, please complete this form.
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The information displayed on this website comes from multiple sources and has undergone a rigorous verification process. Despite this effort, the accuracy and validity of the data/information cannot be guaranteed. The website should therefore be used for information purposes only. The TCDI team and the referenced authors cannot be held responsible for the use of the information. The data calculations and sources used in this website can be found here.